Marcus Slease






Everybodee wantz 
to go to the seasyde 
in small kafay 
we kreemed r face 
with 2 fresh kannoli 
everywun eats baba 
on sunday 
we waitid 
at buzee crossroadz 
fur gaps 
there r not manee gaps 
in sicilee 
wen we reached 
the beech 
there wuz 
uh storm 
everywun must 
have left 
in uh hurree 
there wur pramz 
with barnikulz 
& seaweed 
large kolourful hats 
with brim 
blowing in wynd 
shewz half stiking out 
from the sand 
the beach 
iz uh dollz howz 
pink expurts say 
stay kalm 
the dollz 
had fallun 
from saturn


This is the storee uv grayvee
it is uh jurnee
grayvee wuz healthee
to make us mur manlee
a rump steak swimming in grayvee
letus wuz fur rabbits
we lived in an estate
with souljurs at the frunt
uh littul arm at the checkpoint
that liftid up aftur grayvee
soaked dinnurs
we went to jewdo
my fathur wuz trying
to get out of the british armee
at that tyme I wuz wearing
floppee blond hair
my fathur lean
with moostash & jokestur smile
uh cayotee trickstur
we made uh jewdo frend
at the jewdo academee
& brought him home fur grayvee
it wuz sunday dinnur
now we prezent uh rupchur in the storee
we packed suddenlee
& landed in Miltun Keynz
on anuther govurnment howzing estate
the jewdo king wuz achewlee an IRA spy
my fathur payd uh fine
& left the armee
we kept eating grayvee
I pushed mushee green globz of brussul sproutz
into moats uv grayvee
my grayvee got k-old
but I had to sit up stowic & manlee
at Koffee Hall in Miltun Keynz
I went to coppurfield
I played rugbee
but ownlee brieflee
I liked to get tackuld
& then get up & tackul
the persun that tackuled me
that was gud play
in the cafurtearea
the scottish hed teachur
poaked me in the chest
he sd to stop mixsing
everything in my grayvee
he sed you r not uh seament mixur
here we prezent anuthur rupchur
we had to get out uv that kuntree
we had to mayk mur grayvee
we krost an oshin uv grayvee
in uh majik ship & landed in Vaygas
I sold my subutteo
& skated on olde metul rollur skates
uh gift from the landlord of Arville Apartments
my mutter told the landlord we kaim to the land
uv grayvee to make mur grayvee
we got in without uh deposit
we wanted to grow our grayvee
in the deep dezert we shot hunting arrows
into sky looking for grayvee
door to door we sold amyway
then we sold watur condishshunurs
we tuk the boards off uv boarded up windowz
& mooved into uh HUDD home
r new majik ship wuz kalled uh NOVA
we got it on donashun
we had uh speshul famlee dinnur
of kentucky fried chicken
with seekrit grayvee
it kaim with sanitizd napkins
the sun wuz not yellow it wuz chicken
we lived in North Las Vaygas
I went to rancho high skool
krips not bloods
blew wuz ok but red verboten
I kept my hed down dreeming uv grayvee
today I eat fish meat
I lisson to wavee grayvee
my hair is wavee no grayvee

I tuk uh papur nap & met mistur mustard. He wuz not uh kustard. He wuz uh bankur in Kanary Woof. There wur lots uv ships. Ahoy mistur mustard. I wur my jeanz. He wur hiz dick-key dick-key dick-key dick-key dick-key dick-key dick-key dick-key dick-key dick-key. Wur iz the key. Wur iz the key. Mister mustard how growz yr papur muney. I live in dice cup. Uh rag pickur. Oma oma pie yay oma oma pie yay yaaaaa. The gren burd flyz undur the radur. The grass blowz in glis-ning lumps uv bullshit. How izit u spell pleaz. How izit u spell burnt kow. It gits faintur & faintur. I tuk uh papur nap & sold my dance. To stamp or stomp. To rattul uh kage. Mistur mustard. Mistur mustard. Whatz muney. Izit numburz or izit papurz. The watur fallz on glisning steal uv Kanary Woof. How to take an aching rivur into yr art. To take uh ship or take uh shit. Magikal changes all ovur the urth. Find uh warm place to sleep. The grass blowz on our bellee amung the doting alligaturs uv Kanary Woof.


I am lerning to sigh on high mountinz no mall cinema supermarket gas stayshun or street lite uh  chance to luk at planets & far away starz SP CE silkscreened in lincun nubraska an ovun stuffed with eastur epiks totul security iz total represhun dont fall asleep with yr hed in uh lionz mouth the greatest koan iz u
