Isha Mckenzie-Mavinga

Not Homogeneous

Not Homogeneous

Shalom Shalom
You want to know
My connection with Judaism
      You want a declaration

Shalom Shalom
You want to know
If I’ve been to Jerusalem
If I’m Ethiopian

Shalom Shalom
You want to know
If I’m reborn
Or born this way

Shalom Shalom
You want to know
If mother was Jewish
Cos I’m like this

Shalom Shalom
You want to know
If I’ve been batmitzvad
If I’ve eaten matzo
Celebrated chanuka
Seen a Mezuzah
Broken Chula
Wear a Magen David
Eat bagels and gefilte fish
At Rosh Hashanah
You want to know
If you can call me Falasha

Shalom Shalom
You want to know
If I light candles on Friday
If I am Sephardi or Askenazi
If I am smaltzy or shmoozy

Shalom Shalom
You want to know
If I belong
Shalom Shalom

You want to know
If I’m black or woman first
If I’m feminist or fundamentalist
If I am political or radical
If I’m good enough
If I know my stuff
If I’ve been back to Africa
If I was born here

You want to know
If I speak first for women
Before other oppressions
If I know the diaspora
Malcolm and Martin Luther
Do I remember Mary Seacole?
Who are my role models?
Why I wear African dress
With whom do I have sex?
You want to know
If I hang out in women’s nests
If I’m Ms, Mrs or Mistress
If I know Hatsheput and Mekeda
Charlotte-Sophie and Louise Marie

You want to know
Why my hair is exposed
Why I wear men’s clothes
Why I am me
Why I am free

You want to know
If I belong
To you or me

No Divided Loyalties.

You want to know
If I know who I am
Brown mixed race
Hybrid or Uncle Sam

You want to know
If I mix
With Europeans or Africans
Or those lighter ones

You want to know
Which Island I am from
Who taught me to cook?
Pelau rice and curry chichen

When I hear racism
Whose side I am on
If I am sitting on the fence
Confused, bewildered
Different camps

You want to know
If I’m mixed up inside
You want me to decide

You want to know
If I listen to Vilvaldi, or Bob Marley
If I’m a product of coercion
Night cultivation, desperation
Or creative innovation
If I am a liability
Endanger to racial purity
Living in duel worlds
Many pasts, presents futures

You want to know
If I am wholesale, discount
One hundred percent
You want to know
If I am qualified and Justified

You want to know
You want to know.

