Amanda Laughtland


For Good Cheer

More and more housewives are saving
refrigerator space by keeping
two quarts or more of extra pale beer

always chilled, always ready for serving
to tired husbands or fathers—
a he-man’s beer, but light and lively

for the women to enjoy, a beer
for pouring smoothly from a pitcher
into rugged mugs or fancy glasses,

a beer that goes nicely with food.


Kitchen Tidbits

You know hot things must be
served piping hot and cold things

icy cold, but it’s these sorts
of simple things you might be apt

to forget these days. Even coffee
is a pitfall though it needn’t be—

relax and measure carefully.


For Finest Results

Put away jellies and jams
using powdered pectin. It saves
sugar and fruit and has a faint

but pleasing taste. Our government
sends regular supplies to help
our food-short Allies. For health

and economy, make as much as you can
right away. Food authorities say
jellies and jams are not sweets

but energy-rich foods we all need.

past simple home