

Scott Abels / Arlene Ang / Marcia Arrieta / Sarah Bartlett /
Sommer Browning and Brandon Shimoda /
Hsiao-Shih (Raechel) Lee /
Matt McBride
/ Elizabeth Sanger / Marcus Slease / Nicole A. Zdeb / 


Scott Abels is originally from Nebraska, but he just recently relocated from the
Pacific coast of Mexico to Hawaii.  More of his poems can be found online (or are forthcoming) at Action Yes, No Tell Motel, Sawbuck, SHAMPOO, and Spooky Boyfriend.

Arlene Ang, staff editor at The Pedestal Magazine and Press 1, is the author of Bundles of Letters Including A, V and Epsilon (Texture Press, 2008), co-written with Valerie Fox. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Ambit, Diagram, Poetry Ireland, Painted Bride Quarterly and Stand Magazine. She lives in Spinea, Italy. More of her writing may be viewed at

Marcia Arrieta edits and publishes Indefinite Space, a poetry journal,
and is currently working on a manuscript reading ulysses in bolinas & beyond.
Her work appears in Blueprint Review, Moon Dance, Dusie, Osiris,
Womb, Little Red Leaves, and Otoliths.  She has an affinity for eagles,
the Romantics, and the sea.

Sarah Bartlett lives in Portland, OR, and reads poetry for Tin House. Her recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Diagram, Alice Blue, Bat City, No Tell Motel, Sawbuck, RealPoetik, Goodfoot, and LIT. Sarah's chapbook (co-written with Chris Tonelli), A Mule-Shaped Cloud, was published by horse less press in 2008.

"Hands" and "The Blowing Versa (II: Fucking Space)" are from THE BOWLING, a collection of bowling by Sommer Browning and Brandon Shimoda, of the east and west coasts, connected by love and confusion for fine wooden lanes, entrancing lights, varnish, polish, skill cranes and poetry. As THE BOWLING, Sommer and Brandon will also be appearing in The Corduroy Mtn. and New Pony: Collaborations & Responses from Horse Less Review. When not as THE BOWLING, Sommer and Brandon curate events, edit, write and draw, on the wood of split happening the coasts' endless motions.
Hsiao-Shih (Raechel) Lee is from Kaohsiung, Taiwan. She will start as a PhD student in Spanish and Portuguese at Stanford University in the fall. Her work has recently appeared in or is forthcoming from Parcel, Mustachioed, and Pebble Lake Review.

Matt McBride is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Cincinnati.  His chapbook, The Space between Stars, was published by Kent State’s Wick Poetry Center in March 2007.   Recently (or relatively recently) he has published work in Dark Sky, Alice Blue, Cranky, Phoebe and the Toledo City Paper.

Elizabeth Sanger’s poetry appears in Meridian, Phoebe, Touchstone, and Conjunctions and is forthcoming in TYPO. She lives in North Port, Florida, where the main excitement is gator-watching by the river, with a six-pack.

Marcus Slease is a native of Portadown, N. Ireland.  His poetry has been published in a variety of lit journals including Talisman, Fascicle, Conduit, and in a Free Verse Special on experimental Irish poets. He attended graduate school in North Carolina and Washington state and currently lives and teaches in west London. You can read drafts in progress and other news at:

Nicole A. Zdeb is a poet and translator living in Portland, OR, with her husband, poet Jamie Cooper, and their two cats.             

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