Krzysztof Śliwka
(Trans. from the Polish Justyna Śliwka)
Krzysztof Śliwka
(Trans. from the Polish Justyna Śliwka)
Peacock Farm Hostel
Owen is humming a Celtic song under his breath.
Still he stays transparent as dust
That settles on valuables
Not to tempt us with their shine.
Cider from Tesco & mint snuff:
Is it a complete symbiosis or just a temporary non-aggression pact?
Ice Floe
for Jac Po II
There was ice. There was permanent snow.
We were speaking different languages.
We were speaking different languages.
There was permanent snow. There was ice.
Cisówka. Tips & Tricks
Why are you continuously meditating and bowing down, the well sweep?
Why are you hitting the concrete rim with a gong of a bucket?
Toshiro Mifune is dead: air bubbles
Tears off the stretched moorings.
Thick Snow is slanting down:
Children are running out the school
As if they had the shits.
Krzysztof Śliwka (1967) – the author of seven poetry books (Niepogoda dla kangura, Sztuka koncentracji, Dżajfa & Gibana, among others). In 2008 he was awarded by the Norwegian Playwrights’ Association with THE HOUR GLASS for the best screenplay on the Norwegian Short Film Festival in Grimstad. He lives in Wrocław.