Simon Howard
Simon Howard
doubles as a countenance
nowhere glisteneding
feverish pavement
•sombre• 1 song in thought
of voice” full stop
evocation crises
allday cartoon
. combs hair stretching
throat + night. she. instructs
the swimmer how to dance.
sleep & drink
stars. when was it
where they went?
peaceful then?
the dancer must drown. full stop
Under my painted toes
Stars sleep
In storm I
Sip marmalade
From a box marked “zithers”
Conspiratorial history of
Wandering about a small
Tightly worded room
She continues to comb
Hair & her laughter.
Somehow nude optometry
Got caught in
That riot – music
Became old
Too: like a sailing boat becalmed, or a sailing boat becalmed.
i’ll cut a path to the meadow from the sea & throw
my overcoat to this angel on stilts along the hedge
such that futurity is trespassed [ ]
a blissed star-map scratch my tears aside reminding
you of the little photograph of some riot i haven’t shown
you & nothing is necessity other than my over
coat because of memory it is an oblivious summer this angel
cuts a path to the meadow from the sea throws futur
ity at my tears little photograph of no riot is
none other than photographs of the sky falling from
1 skyscraper. 1nce the angels
were only angels
not coat hangers
burning in the dark.
like now
Finely glued
Domestic erotic•
Its flaky tongue at the solemn
Scarred tree
Bits of thought
Burn up up
Above on the teetering
Said the blind were saidness
& sad to see.
Alone with ourselves
& our strange